Saturday, July 17, 2010

Temple Mount

This a a bonus post about the temple mount. We actually went there on the same day we went to Jerico because we were having a hard time finding it open. We knew it opened early in the morning until about 11 so we asked Majed to take us there first. The temple mount is controlled by Muslims because of the 2 mosques that were built up there. The large mosque is built right over the rock where Abraham was willing to sacrifice Jacob (a foreshadowing of God sacrificing His son for us). Non muslims are not allowed inside the mosques however. We wanted to see the temple mount, though, because the Bible tells us the Jewish temple would be rebuilt there. We had heard that there is room up top for both structures and we wanted to see for ourselves. There is, indeed, plenty of room. The area is huge! There are trees and a huge courtyard on either side of the mosque. There are many groups of Moslem men clustered around under the trees talking and praying. A Christian man who spoke at the church last week said that he and his friend were arrested for praying on the temple mount. He also said that it was the Holiest spot in Jerusalem as that is where Jesus will return (through the sealed Eastern gate) and set up His Kingdom.
It was very special time and they say Christian can't pray up there, but we did! (as we walked, we being radical rebels and all!)

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