Saturday, July 17, 2010

Pools of Bethesda, and more Old City

July 17, 2010
Today is Saturday, Shabbat, and everything Jewish is shut down until sunset, including the bus system. We tried to sleep in but I popped awake at 6:30 with the thought that I should turn on the computer and try my family on Skype. Much to my surprise and amazement they were all there and I could see and talk to them, after working out some technical difficulties. That was definitely the highlight of my day. After that excitement, we went out to try and catch 2 cabs to get to the old city. Three girl fit in the first cab after not too long a wait and Dixie waited with me for a second cab. It was quite a long wait. We are surprised every Saturday how it gets so quiet. Anyway, a cab finally came and the girls were waiting for us at the Jaffa gate. I took them on a short cut to the Christian Quarter, which ended up being a winding long cut because I went up the wrong street. There was a bit of grumbling from the Fab four, but they got over it.
We made our way to Johnny's jewellry shop to pick up some cuff links that Michele had special ordered. Johnny is the very sweet, gentle Christian who we all loved. We all ended up 'blessing' him with numerous jewellry purchases. He told us a little of the miracles in his life and invited us to his church and for lunch after tomorrow.
We then walked through the old city to find the Pools of Bethsada. This was where Jesus told the lame man to take up his mat and walk (John 5.) It was very exciting to be there, the ruins are amazing and we get to walk right among them. It was fun to imagine what it had been like when Jesus was there. On the same grounds is St. Annes church. It is not much to look at so had I been alone I wouldn't even had gone in, but Michele and Diane had been there 3 years earlier and had sang with thier group. We went in and no one else was there so we started singing. The acoustics were amazing! We sang Amazing Grace and I Exalt Thee. A family of three had come in while we were singing and sat in the back. When we were finished those songs they said it sounded great so I invited them to sing along with us but they responded that the songs they knew wouldn't be appropriate. We then sang How great Thou Art, and Hallelejah and we coaxed Michele to sing a solo. She sang Amazing Grace and it brought tears to my eyes, it was so beautiful. The family was still sitting there when we were finished and then they came and thanked us for singing because it made the experience so much more enjoyable for them. That was neat. The priest wasn't as impressed, however! We then went back to the garden tomb and Golgotha because Dixie and Sheila hadn't seen it. It was so nice with the birds singing in the trees and the wind gently caressing our skin. We decided to pray and ask God what he wanted to say to us. We prayed and listened and heard God tell us that He loves all His children, no matter of race, color or religion and that we are to show His love to them as well. It was very cool, I love when the Holy Spirit says the same things to different people at the same time.
We then decided that was a great way to end the day, so we easily found 2 taxis and headed home. Now it is about 9 pm and Shabbat is over and I can hear the city coming to life.

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