Friday, July 16, 2010

Bus adventures and misadventures + becoming chickified

July 16, 2010
Today the Fab five split off into 3 directions. Dixie and Sheila went to Haifa, Michele and Diane wanted to take it easy and I went on a mission to find the bus and train schedules and prices to other cities. I took off in the direction we have never gone, I was enjoying the ride when suddenly, in the middle of a residential area, the driver said it was the end of the line. I got off and eventually found someone who could speak English. She told me to walk a couple of blocks and take bus 24 to get to the big mall. I did that, and since I was there, in honour of the fab 4, I decided to go shopping. I ended up buying a pair of Naots. Two weeks ago I had no idea what a Naot was. I then jumped on bus 6 to go to Central bus station and when I was half way there, I remembered the train station was back at the mall. I got to the central station, checked on the bus schedule and then remembered Diane had bought a beautiful skirt there, so I went in and bought one just like it, plus a long pair of shorts. I then got back on bus 6 and got off at the train station, only to find it closed (probably for Shabbat), so I then walked back to the mall and had a manicure. I then caught a bus back to Ben Yehuda street where I walked up and down looking at all the fruit, vegetables, bread and pastries, watching the people and listening to all the noise. I bought a blouse to go with my skirt and decided I have definitely been "chickified." Michele had laughed earlier in the holiday that they were going to chickify me and they sure have! Dixie with the pedicures and manicures, Michele(and the rest) with the jewellery, Sheila with the shoes, Diane with the clothes and all of them with the Dead sea products. I am definitely bringing home things that I never would have bought had I been travelling with my three guys!
Anyway, I wasn't sure what time the buses quit running for Shabbat so I headed back to the apartment at 3:30. When i got there, the girls weren't back yet and I didn't have a key so I had to sit outside in the courtyard. I was very glad to see them arrive an hour later with their tales o taking the wrong buses and walking in the wrong direction. They said had they known I was going shopping, they would have come with me. They also claim they are scared to leave the apartment next week when Dixie, Sheila and I take off for Jordan. I am sure that they will be fine though.

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