Sunday, July 18, 2010

Friends we found

July 18th, 2010
Today was another amazing day. We started off the day by taking the bus to the old city where we wound around the maze of streets to find the Jerusalem Alliance church. This is the church that Johnny the jeweller goes to. The praise and worship, and the sermon are all in Arabic but they have headphones to translate everything into English. There are 26 families that go to the church plus there were many English speaking visitors there as well. I didn't stand a chance of singing the songs so I just closed my eyes and listened. It was very beautiful. The sermon was very good as well, on casting off anger and unforgiveness and putting on garments of praise and love. After church we went out for lunch with Johnny, his amazing wife Adele and their daughter. We had a wonderful conversation and we continue to be amazed by the connection we feel with other believers.
At the morning service we had met a young man (John)from Boston who had just finished his Masters of Divinity at Harvard. He had expressed interest in attending the King of Kings church downtown but because it is so hard to describe how to get to it, we arranged to meet him at the Jaffa gate so that he could take the bus with us. He arrived and off we all went to the other church. The worship there was amazing. They sing some of the same songs we sing in Canada, plus they sing some in Hebrew which for some reason moves me to tears. John had planned to leave early but ended up staying for the entire service and even after. He said it was sure different from other services he had seen. He was a lovely young man and now we are praying for him to find a nice Christian wife (he is 31.) He has a heart for the Palestinian people and would love to find a nice Christian Palestinian girl.
We then headed back to the apartment. The other girls went out for coffee but I wanted to get this blog finished tonight as Dixie, Sheila and I are headed out early tomorrow morning for Masada, the Dead Sea and Eliat. I am not bringing my computer with me so don't worry if you don't hear anything from me for 3 or 4 days. I will be back!

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