Thursday, July 15, 2010

History, more history, shopping and more shopping

July 15, 2010
Today Dixie and Sheila wanted to finish going through Yad Yashem, the big holocaust museum, so we split up for the day, arranging to meet downtown at 6:00 pm. . Michele, Diane and I went to the Biblelands museum. There we walked through exhibits of artifacts showing the history of humankind in this land. Lots of pots,clay, wood and jewellry. There was also an exhibit on how the Jewish people used magic and superstition through the years. It explained many of the weird things we see on the souveniers around here. We then took a bus intending to go to the old city, but it wasn't our regular bus 18 so we ended up by the Damascus gate in the Arab quarter. We were very close to Golgotha and the Garden tomb so we decided to go there because we may never be this way again. The garden was beautiful and then we came upon what many believe is the tomb where they laid Jesus before He was raised from the dead. We were able to go right inside, and on the door there is the inscription "He is not here, for He has risen" It was really nice just sitting there and soaking it in. We then walked up the path to Golgotha, or the place of the skull where they crucified Jesus. It just gave me goosebumps to see the face in the rock (see picture above.) It was really nice.
We then went through the Damascus gate into the Arab quarter and that was very different. Definitely a different spirit there. Finally we found the Christian quarter where we! We found a lovely shop with antiques and handmade jewellry. It is owned by a gentle, wonderful Christian man. We left and went to a shop down the "road" and that shop owner told us to please support the other man's shop because he was such a good man, and his wife was sick with cancer. It brought tears to my eyes. We decided to go back on Saturday and bring Dixie and Sheila with us.
We then found our familiar Jaffa gate and took the bus to Ben Yehuda street. I thought we were meeting at Ben Yehuda market so we had to walk a couple of blocks to the street. Poor Michele, too much walking and her feet are aching!
Ben Yehuda street was hopping and got busier as the night progressed. We ate, and then we! The girls bought more jewellery and I bought a couple prints of paintings. I think it was around 10 when we headed home. Too late for me, but it was fun.

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