Sunday, July 25, 2010

Our Shabbat

July 25,
Today is Sunday, our Shabbat. Poor Michele is sick so Diane and I decided to take some different buses around town to see some new neighborhoods. The first bus took us to an orthodox neighborhood where everyone was dressed in black, with head coverings. We got off the bus there and wandered around until we saw the sign in the picture. We weren't dressed immodestly by our standards, but probably by theirs, so we got on a different bus to get out of that area. This bus took us through some new areas that we have never seen. Jerusalem is very hilly so there were many panoramic view across valleys, there were also some modern looking store areas. We asked the driver if he went to cental station and he said yes, but his english must not be too good because he reached the end of his route out in a residential area. We stood for about 2 minutes, then decided to walk as we could see the large tower that we use as a landmark in the distance. We have taken the bus past this almost every day but we enjoyed walking under it. When we got to the bus station, Michele was waiting for us. She had a 2 hour nap, and felt much better so we went to do what we do! We each bought a pair of shoes, and I am so chickified now, I am thinking of going back to buy more.
I left the girls to walk up to the Jaffa gate to meet Sammi who has Dixie's shofars. I waited there for 25 minutes but he didn't show (it turned out he got a fare to Haifa.) I took a bus back to the church. There we watched an fantastic, award winning film called Restoration. It was about how the Christians are persecuted in Israel. We then had a fantastic time worshipping at church. We were able to sing and dance, jump and use flags. It was my kind of worship!
After church I went over to our new friend Susan's for tea. She lives right by the Ben Yehuda market and is spending several months in Jerusalem. She is a lovely lady and we had had a great visit. She walked me out to the bus stop and we hugged and said our fond farewells. It is sad leaving the people that we met and grew close to but I am looking forward to seeing my family again!

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