Monday, July 5, 2010

Holocaust museum

Monday July 5, 2010

Finally caught up! Writing on the same day that the events happened!! We woke up late this morning and had a relaxing time discussing our faith, our Lord and our understanding of things like titheing. Finally we decided to have brunch and head off at the crack of noon for Yad Veshem (the Holocaust Museum.) It was an easy bus ride on old faithful, bus 18 (which I just found out today has been hit by a suicide bomber in the past.)

The museum was very sad, touching, informative, enlightening,,,and big. Sheila and Dixie rented the self guided tour headsets and told us they were very good so we all rented them. They were very good, giving lots of information and the time flew. Dixie and Sheila didn't even finish the main museum when they were asked to leave because the museum was closing at 5. I was horrified at how Christians and Germans have treated the Jewish people. Being part of both these groups, I felt grieved and guilty for the sins of my ancestors. I was also horrified by how many death camps, death vans, death marches, and just horrible deaths there were.

Anyway, 5 o'clock came and we bought some groceries to try and replicate a couple of the amazing salads that we had in restaurants. They involve fried mushrooms, fried onions, goat cheese, and bean sprouts. It was a wonderful supper, one we probably couldn't have got away with had our husbands been with us. This evening has been great too, finally catching up on this blog!!

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