Sunday, July 11, 2010

Galilee, Nazareth, and other places north

July 10, 2010
Today is Shabbat (Sabbath) again so we made arrangements to go to the Galilee. The driver picked us up at 6:30 am and we headed north. First we went down below sea level past the red sea, past Jericho, and followed the road along the Jordan River to the Galilee region (about 2 hours.) Our first stop was at a place on the Jordan River where people can be baptised. Sheila has never been baptised by full immersion and she wanted her sister Dixie to do it. I decided to do it too, just because it is the Jordan River, where Jesus was baptised. It was beautiful there, and a very powerful experience.
We then headed to the sights where Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes (Tabgha), where He turned the water to wine (Cana), where he grew up (Nazareth) and where He taught in the synagogue (Capernaum). Capernaum was my favourite because it had the ruins of the synagogue and houses, and we could go right down to the 'sea' shore. Galilee is really more of a lake than a sea. We also went on a boat ride on the Galilee. There is more detail there, I will write it later.
On the way home we went through Jezreel valley (valley of Armageddon). We also ended up in a Kibbutz. We ended up getting locked in and that was hilarious. Our driver didn't think being locked in with 5 women, would be fun at all. The trip home was fun, Maged, who we called Magic, told us that his father and brothers had multiple wives. Muslims are allowed up to 4 wives at one time. We teased him that he would never want maore than one wife after driving all of us around. It was like having 5 wives bossing him around. We told him to slow down, turn here, take us there, not to smoke in the van, wake up, have a nap while we go shop, stop to take pictures of shepherds, etc., etc,. We all, including Maged we think, had a fun time talking and laughing. It was another good day!

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